Wingman Group

Real Estate Outsourcing Specialists

“Wingman is transforming the industry”

Tom Panos – Wingman Group Ambassador

The Perfect Solution for Busy Real Estate Agents and Property Managers

Looking to streamline your real estate operations? Look no further than Wingman, your trusted partner for real estate outsourcing solutions. With Wingman, you can offload time-consuming tasks like property management, marketing, and administrative duties, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.

Wingman Proudly Works Alongside

Get Your Time Back By
Giving Up These Tasks

Wingman Admin

Manage Your CRM

Streamline CRM tasks effortlessly. From data entry to analytics, your RP can handle it all.

Wingman Marketing

Billing and Invoicing

Simplify billing and invoicing processes. Accurate, timely, and tailored to your business needs.

Clean Database

Clean Database

Ensure your data is always clean and usable for your business to use at any time.

Wingman Accounting

Create Call Lists & CMA's

Save time with prepared call lists with the best data and CMA’s to send to clients quicker.

Contracts and Forms

Forms and Contracts

Reduce the amount of busy work with experts in form and contract creation.

Hear From Some of Our Clients


At Wingman, we want to bring you and your staff away of the non-dollar productive tasks your team do day to day. From prospecting, CRM management, email and calendar management and much more, a Remote Professional can free up a huge amount of time week-to-week.

Similar to property management, our Remote Professionals are trained to operate, maintain and clean your CRM, manage your calendar, even respond to your emails! From prospecting to organising photo and video production with external agencies and everything in between, a Remote Professional can bring huge efficiencies to your operation.

There are aspects of your business that are unique to you which will require dedicated time to teach your Remote Professional properly. However, the Wingman Real Estate training academy, which every Remote Professional completes prior to entering an agency, teaches them a broad range of skills relevant to the industry. Further, we have experts in a number of common software programs who can use those existing skills to fit instantly into your business.

Wingman takes your data extremely seriously and we are partnered with leading technology security agencies to ensure you are protected and your client’s data remains safe. Every Remote Professional also receives extensive training to ensure they treat data with the utmost care.

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